San Francisco, CA 94112; 旧金山地产

San Francisco, CA 94112; 旧金山地产

San Francisco, CA 94112; 旧金山地产

Estimated zip code population in 2015: 84,145
Zip code population in 2010: 79,407
Zip code population in 2000: 73,104

Nearest zip codes: 94127, 94131, 94134, 94014, 94114, 94110.

Notable locations in zip code 94112: Balboa Park Bay Area Rapid Transit Station,

Ocean View Branch Library ,

Excelsior Branch Library,

Hebrew Home for the Aged , South Gymnasium, Smith Hall , North Gymnasium, Louise And Claude Rosenberg Junior Library, Diego Rivera Theatre,

Conlan Hall,

Cloud Hall, Batmale Hall , Ingleside Police Station, San Francisco Fire Department Station 43, San Francisco Fire Department Station 33, San Francisco Fire Department Station 15.

Churches in zip code 94112 includ e:

Bethel Lutheran Church,

Community Assembly of God Church ,

Ingleside Presbyterian Church,

Saint Emydius Roman Catholic Church , Church of the Epiphany, Saint John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church , Broad Street Baptist Church , Cosmopolitan Baptist Church , Ocean Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Parks in zip code 94112 includ e:

Balboa Park,

Ocean View Park, Saint Marys Playground, Cayuga Playground, Chalmers Playground , Ocean View Recreation Center, Crocker Amazon Playground, Excelsior Playground.

Tourist attractions (not listed on the city page) : (Cultural Attractions- Events- & Facilities; 220 Dublin Street), Above All Limousines (Tours & Charters; 1195 Geneva Avenue).