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相比Roomba等扫地机器人,可以看到戴森360 Eye明显要略高一些,如果要它钻到沙发下面会有些困难。之所以如此,是因为360 Eye采用了戴森独有的多圆锥气旋技术,你在每一台戴森无绳吸尘器上都可以找到,具有强大的吸尘性能。

戴森360 Eye拥有一颗360度摄像头,可通过实时拍摄和复杂的算法来观察周围环境,构建一个详细的室内平面图,进行更精准的导航,减少扫地机器人绕着桌腿打转的现象。另外,戴森360 Eye也支持手机应用控制,可以设置时间表和接收警报,非常智能。

在Trusted Reviews的简短测试中,戴森360 Eye的清洁性能的确要比Roomba同级别机型更出色。可以看到,即便是非常难以清洁的粉尘,戴森360 Eye也可以很好地应对,令人印象深刻。

显然,除了机身较高、无法钻到沙发下床下,戴森360 Eye的导航、清洁性能都非常出色,称其为真正的下一代扫地机器人也不为过。

Twice the suction of any Robot vacuum*. The Dyson 360 Eye robot is a powerful vacuum cleaner first and foremost with the Dyson digital motor V2 inside to deliver powerful suction and Radial Root cyclone technology to capture microscopic dust and dirt. The Dyson 360 Eye robot sees its environment using a 360⁰ vision system allowing the robot to clean intelligently, moving in an efficient, systematic pattern. With the Dyson Link app, available on IOS or Android, you can control, schedule and analyze your robot wherever you are. With a full-width brush bar with carbon fiber filaments, it can thoroughly and efficiently clean in a single pass. And, with continuous tank tracks, it is engineered for accurate maneuvering over all floors. * suction testing based on ASTM F558, dust-loaded against Robot market.