

gg-8 gg-7 gg-6

看惯了传统家影器材的朋友们,今天我们为大家带来了这款小清新适用的,像是花盆一样的无线蓝牙音响Planter,此款音响是ION Audio最近发布的一款趣味十足的音响产品,不仅可以提供美妙的音乐,其花盆的外观设计,还可以很好的美化环境。


Enjoying your favorite music outside with friends and family is great, isn’t it? What isn’t so appealing is the notion of trying to run wires through the walls from your inside stereo or hiring someone at great expense to do it for you. Simple enjoyment shouldn’t be such a hassle.

Thanks to ION Audio’s Rock Speaker Bluetooth, it’s not a hassle—it’s a pleasure!

These compact, attractive speakers go anywhere because they’re powered by a built-in long-lasting rechargeable battery and they don’t attract any attention because they look like natural rocks. They’re IPX4 water-resistant and work off a wireless signal from your Bluetooth device to play continuous music that will delight everyone.

These speakers are actually complete systems, containing a wide-range driver that delivers rich, lifelike response and a built-in 20-watt dynamic amplifier that produces the clean sound you need outdoors.

Finally, outdoor musical entertainment without complication.