智能家居产品:The Orange Chef 厨师板(39/150)

智能家居产品:The Orange Chef 厨师板(39/150)

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对于做饭新手来说下厨总是困难重重,什么叫盐少许?何为味精少量?头都大了,想要恰到好处地准备好不同分量的食材,Prep Pad智能菜板便是必不可少的重要工具了。

本身虽然和菜板无差别,但是内置智能分析系统,但只要把食材放在上面,不仅能精确地称出食材的重量,还能智能地测试出食材所含的能量、蛋白质和碳水化合物等信息,帮助你准备好分量准确且营养丰富的一餐。蓝牙模块的加入让Prep Pad能与你的智能手机、平板电脑等移动设备连接完成数据资料的交换,帮助你通过适当的饮食搭配,确保一家人的健康。

Prep Pad + Countertop Prep Pad is the smart food scale that gives real-time nutritional insight into your food through a customized Balance goal and beautiful visualizations of calories, carbs, protein, and more. Meet your kitchen nutritionist,skip the fads, get the facts. Get an accurate nutritional breakdown of the meals you make at home with the simple-but smart-food scale, Prep Pad, and its partner app, Countertop. Set nutritional goals, make and log your meals, and track your progress to health.