

MindMeld has pioneered the development of technology to power a new generation of intelligent conversational interfaces. MindMeld was founded in 2011 by Tim Tuttle. A former AI researcher from MIT and Bell Labs, Tim saw how recent advances in AI would enable breakthrough applications driven by natural language, touch and gesture. After 3 years of technology development and 10 patents, MindMeld launched its core offering, the MindMeld platform, in 2014. MindMeld is the first platform that makes it possible for companies to create intelligent conversational interfaces for any app or device. MindMeld has been widely recognized as a leader in the field of natural language understanding and was named by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the “100 Brilliant Companies” of 2015 and by MIT Technology Review as one of the world’s “50 Smartest Companies” of 2014.



MindMeld之前也叫Expect Labs, 成立于2012年,其最早业务是基于iPad上的应用提供类似于“Siri”的智能语音服务。随后为了不仅停留在iPad生态内,MindMeld将产品标准化并随之开发了一套拥有语义解析,语义推理和语言生成的智能API,几乎所有主流平台和操作系统都能适配。

MindMeld此前曾获得来自IDG Ventures USA、KPG Ventures 、Samsung Ventures、GV等16家机构总计1540万美元的风险投资。近期在硅谷,会话类AI成为了收购热门标的,三星去年为Vivv支付了2.15亿美元,目的是将其产品与技术整合进三星自己的私人助理Bixby中。

由于聊天和语音正快速成为新的沟通界面,MindMeld的人工智能技术将能支持思科在其产品组合中为用户带来独特体验,思科协作产品将率先进行应用。这一收购将为思科的协作产品带来全新的对话式界面,全面改变用户和我们的技术进行交互的方式,提高易用性,并带来全新认知功能。例如,用户将能通过自然语言命令与Cisco Spark进行交互,获得专为自身及工作量身定制的体验。思科与MindMeld的强强联合可将语音人工智能技术引入全球各地的会议室。由于这些地方大多部署了思科的视频和电话硬件,思科的这一优势将能够全面加速人工智能技术在整个工作场景中的采用。

MindMeld拥有十项专利,将能为思科带来令行业艳羡的人工智能、软件和工程人才以及专业知识,进一步促进思科协作套件的演进。MindMeld团队将加入思科协作事业部,组成认知协作团队,由高级副总裁兼总经理Jens Meggers领导。
