


位于旧金山的Medifies为健康服务提供商打造了创新软件平台,帮助他们与患者家属进行沟通。Nat Pagle是公司的首席执行官,联合创始人Paul Petronelli是心脏外科医生。Medified由非临床工作人员操作,不显示PHI或PII,避免了频繁的电话,缓解了家属焦虑。这有助于改进护理人员和患者的体验,提高患者满意度,并节省临床工作人员的时间,减少沟通失误与治疗失当情况。

Medifies gives hospitals the best tools to take charge of communications with the families of patients in their care.

Under the Affordable Care Act, 30% of hospitals’ Medicare withheld reimbursement is based on patient satisfaction scores.  Sources estimate that as many as 1/3 of the surveys are filled out by family!

Big Problem 
Over 200,000 friends and family members each day – in the US alone – wait in hospital waiting rooms for their loved ones in surgery. And many more remotely!

Family must ask directly or call hospital staff to get updates.  This places a burden on the hospital staff.

Inefficient and Expensive
Wages account for 56% of all health care spending, yet communication with families is inefficient and requires several people per surgery.  In some cases, nurses call family members on their cell phones to give them updates.  Often no one knows where the family is to update them.  Some family members roam the halls looking for answers!

No one wants to be in a waiting room
Medifies lets families leave with their conscience intact – and notifies them when to come back to talk to the surgeon.