TMCx孵化器展示21家医疗创业公司-Stroll Health(19/21)

TMCx孵化器展示21家医疗创业公司-Stroll Health(19/21)


Stroll Health是一个SaaS创业公司,Matt Maurer担任首席运营官。公司汇集并处理数百万个医疗交易,帮助医师和患者做出医疗保健决策。产品Stroll Health是用于订购护理服务的EHR集成软件,通过实时调度、自动化管理的保险任务与患者持续沟通,为患者提供量身定制的个人诊断意见,以解决病情泄漏以及患者不听从医嘱等问题。临床试验显示,其产品能节省30%的医疗成本。

Too often, doctors fail to refer patients to best-value imaging sites. Patients don’t realize they have choice in where to go for care, or recognize that a better choice could be thousands of dollars cheaper. At a national scale, this leads to billions of dollars in overspending, as well as fewer patients getting medically necessary care. With Stroll, we help doctors and patients make effective choices towards better-value care.

Our Mission

Stroll endeavors to create a world where healthcare is simple, transparent, and personalized.

Our technology gives doctors the information needed to send patients to the best-fit imaging site. Stroll improves patient access to care with options personalized for their insurance plan, where the patient lives, and how much they can pay. Better value referrals help large fee-for-service systems improve revenue by bringing more patients back for care, and value-based systems deliver more cost-effective treatment.

Our Solution

Stroll enhances healthcare value by providing an integrated referral management application.  We enable systems and providers to improve patient outcomes by making flexible, timely, and lower cost imaging referrals.  Our application includ es automatic insurance verification, out-of-pocket cost predictions, clinical decision support, prior authorization, real-time scheduling, and effective patient reminders. Unlike other consumer-facing portals, Stroll is designed to be used at hospitals and clinics. Patients trust their doctors to decide where they should get care, and we do too.

Stroll saves patients over 30% on imaging, and is simultaneously helping providers see an average of $4M of additional revenue per 200 physicians.