11款最聪明的AI聊天机器人 与真人简直没法区分–PewDieBot(4/11)

11款最聪明的AI聊天机器人 与真人简直没法区分–PewDieBot(4/11)


Presented by Revelmode Pewdiebot is a collaboration between Existor and the world’s most subscribed YouTuber Pewdiepie. Pewdiebot’s AI is an evolution of Cleverbot, Eviebot and friends, but has more poodish things to say for itself!

Cleverscript is a developers’ tool for creating bots. Developers can create a bot in a spreadsheet and communicate with it using our JSON API. To get started sign up for our Bot Builder.

Cleverscript was used by Sony in a game to promote the film Skyfall and a robot which hitchhiked across Canada.Volkswagen launched an innovative web chat to accompany their advertising campaign for electronic cars using Captain Kirk and Dr. Spock bots built with Cleverscript. Warner Bros used Cleverscript to build bots for a Sherlock Holmes game to support the movie.

Why it’s better
Cleverscript has lots of features – such as variables, language hierarchies and branching conversation structures. It also includ es access to millions of rows of background chat from billions of interactions recorded by Cleverbot.

You can easily create your own bots – all you need is a spreadsheet. Check out our easy-to-use manual and spreadsheet uploader. You can be chatting to your own chatbot in just a few minutes.