Pitch Deck – Propoint

Pitch Deck – Propoint

Pitch Deck – Propoint

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How do you make your business mobile-first?

Brand Positioning & Messaging
Content Strategy

Brand Identity & Design
User Interface (UI)
Content Marketing

How do you bring data to life?

Forbes Insight teamed up with Oracle to conduct a global survey of 534 execs on successful business transformation. Publishing their findings in a data-heavy white paper, they knew they needed a narrative thread and compelling conclusions to emerge from so many numbers to attract attention online..

We reviewed the full white paper, hacked our way through bar graphs and rich data, pulled out key messages and wove them together into a visual story.


A stock-photo butterfly on the original white paper cover provided a visual metaphor to explore the paper’s theme of transformation. We skirted the pitfalls of any cliches and dreamt up a striking and unique geometrically-abstract world.

An elegant metaphor can go a long way in making a subject more relatable and easier to understand. We pitched an illustrated narrative with a butterfly representing successful business transformation and cocoons standing in for business stagnation.

data visualization finished design
data visualization sktech
data visualization concepts

This graphic vocabulary created a sturdy anatomy for displaying the white paper’s findings.

data visualization graphic design

We designed spaces very much alive with realistic movement—often with whimsical and subtle flourishes. Whether or not you notice all the nuances, that attention to detail makes the world feel more real and the story ring more true.

How to get more sales appointments per week

The collaboration between marketing and sales is more important than ever. Today’s customer is autonomous, tech-savvy, and 81% of them are likely to research online before making a purchase. Consumers have the ability to leave and re-enter the sales funnel as they please, making marketing an integral influence and guide at every point in the decision-making process. Your company can optimize sales by making sure your marketing and sales efforts are aligned.


Automate your content marketing

Automating part of your content marketing efforts will help you convert your leads to prospects. To successfully implement marketing automation, you have to make sure your efforts have the proper support to allow you to create better long-term relationships. According to Hubspot, email marketing lists expire at a rate of 25% per year. You need to ensure that you draw in a steady flow of quality, inbound leads to maintain returns. Content marketing automation also extends well beyond email and will allow you to reach your leads through multiple channels during their decision-making process, and nurture them with responsive content.


Align your messaging

It’s important to make sure that your content actively supports your story, and that your marketing and sales teams are able to use that story to engage prospects both rationally and emotionally. After you’ve perfected a selling story that’s consistent and effective, you can use buyer personas to understand how your company’s messaging can provide value to different groups. Your brand’s story needs to be consistent across all channels, but the way you relate and connect with different personas should be highly-targeted and based upon the prospect’s own needs, challenges, and barriers to purchase. Providing relevant insight will establish and nurture a relationship that will bring in new leads and conversions.


Evaluate your assets

Prioritize assets to address problem spots in your pipeline. Does your site have high traffic volume but a low conversion rate to sales? Do you need more inbound leads, or does your team need to change the way they close sales? Addressing these problem areas will help you optimize your sales funnel. Once you’ve taken care of the problem areas, you can standardize processes and benchmarks to ensure that lead sources can be compared and evaluated, then prioritized. Then, you can reinforce these changes by having a strong marketing team to guide users along the buying process.

Keeping your visitors actively engaged will improve sales and marketing alignment and generate quality leads that can be nurtured until the prospect is ready to convert. By setting the stage for your sales team with marketing insights about the prospect, your sales reps can customize their approach and close the deal.

Our presentation experts can create a great pitch deck design that gets the best return on your investment

To create the best sales pitch, you need to nail many elements at once. You want to identify the problem your audience has, offer up a solution, and show you’re the one to do it—all with sharp visuals that are on brand. We can help with all these steps and make you a sales presentation that will definitely impress.

High Quality Sales Presentations

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Investor Presentations

Elevator Pitch Templates

Business Storytelling

Pitch Deck Templates For Your Team