The Top 100 Most Expensive ZIP Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.48-81654, Snowmass, CO

The Top 100 Most Expensive ZIP Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.48-81654, Snowmass, CO

The Top 100 Most Expensive ZIP Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.48-81654, Snowmass, CO

Rank no.48-81654, Snowmass, CO

1Estimated zip code population in 2011: 1,011
Zip code population in 2010: 1,391
Zip code population in 2000: 1,192

2Recent home sales, real estate maps, and home value estimator for zip code 81654
Houses and condos: 543
Renter-occupied apartments: 99

% of renters here: 22%
State: 36%

Mar. 2012 cost of living index in zip code 81654: 108.6 (more than average, U.S. average is 100)

Land area: 88.2 sq. mi.
Water area: 0.3 sq. mi.

Population density: 11 people per square mile
 (very low).

Real estate property taxes paid for housing units in 2011:

This zip code: 0.5% ($4,149)
Colorado: 0.6% ($1,480)

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2011: $4,266 (0.4%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2011: $4,043 (0.5%)

Zip code 81654 compared to state average:

  • Median house value significantly above state average.
  • Unemployed percentage below state average.
  • Black race population percentage significantly below state average.
  • Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average.
  • Median age above state average.
  • Foreign-born population percentage significantly below state average.
  • Renting percentage below state average.
  • Length of stay since moving in above state average.
  • Percentage of population with a bachelor’s degree or higher above state average.
100% rural population

Estimated median house/condo value in 2011: $909,500

81654: $909,500

Estimated median household income in 2011:
This zip code:$63,214
3Housing units in zip code 81654 with a mortgage: 243 (9 second mortgage, 27 home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 108Median monthly owner costs for units with a mortgage: $2,391
Median monthly owner costs for units without a mortgage: $690Residents with income below the poverty level in 2011:
This zip code: 13.2%
Whole state: 13.5%
Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2011:
This zip code:2.4%
Whole state: 7.4%
Median number of rooms in houses and condos:
Median number of rooms in apartments:
State: 4.1

Notable locations in this zip code not listed on our city pages:

Notable locations in zip code 81654: Snowmass Falls Ranch ,Capitol Creek Guard Station , Basalt Fire and Rural Fire Protection District Station 44 Old Snowmass

Church in zip code 81654: Saint Benedict Monastery

Lakes and reservoirs: Snowmass Lake, Pierre Lakes, Williams Lake, Elk Creek Reservoir Number 2, Capitol Lake, Hardscrabble Lake

Creeks: Hunter Creek, Nickelson Creek, Snowmass Creek, Copper Creek, Bear Creek, Wildcat Creek, Lime Creek, Capitol Creek, Little Elk Creek

Estimate of home value of owner-occupied houses/condos in 2011 in zip code 81654:

$15,000 to $19,999: 4
$25,000 to $29,999: 11
$60,000 to $69,999: 7
$150,000 to $174,999: 3
$200,000 to $249,999: 18
$300,000 to $399,999: 26
$400,000 to $499,999: 9
$500,000 to $749,999: 42
$750,000 to $999,999: 87
$1,000,000 or more: 144

Rent paid by renters in 2011 in zip code 81654:

$350 to $399: 7
$900 to $999: 36
$1,000 to $1,249: 30
$1,250 to $1,499: 26

Median gross rent in 2011: $1,169.

Estimated median house (or condo) value in 2011 for:

    • White Non-Hispanic householders: $1,165,149

Hispanic or Latino householders:



Household type by relationship:

Households: 989

  • In family households: 733 (91 male householders, 109 female householders)

    160 spouses, 295 children (276 natural, 5 adopted, 16 stepchildren), 18 grandchildren, 0 brothers or sisters, 0 parents, 17 other relatives, 43 non-relatives

  • In nonfamily households: 256 (128 male householders (121 living alone)), 122 female householders (122 living alone)), 6 nonrelatives
  • In group quarters: 22 (0 institutionalized population)

Size of family households: 70 2-persons, 38 3-persons, 62 4-persons, 20 5-persons, 10 6-persons

Size of nonfamily households: 243 1-person, 7 2-persons

152 married couples with children.
63 single-parent households (12 men, 51 women).

94.0% of residents of 81654 zip code speak English at home.
1.7% of residents speak Spanish at home (100% very well).
2.8% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (100% very well).
1.4% of residents speak other language at home (100% very well).


Races in zip code 81654:

White population: 1,127
Black population: 6
American Indian population: 4
Asian population: 4
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population: 0
Some other race population: 1
Two or more races population: 14
Hispanic or Latino population: 235


81654, Snowmass, CO
Home: Ridge Of Wildcat
List Price: $31.5 Million
Listed With: Joshua and Co.