Top 100 Most Expensive Zip Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.34-94022, Los Altos, CA

Top 100 Most Expensive Zip Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.34-94022, Los Altos, CA

Top 100 Most Expensive Zip Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.34-94022, Los Altos, CA


Estimated zip code population in 2011: 18,850
Zip code population in 2010: 18,500
Zip code population in 2000: 18,466


Houses and condos: 7,484
Renter-occupied apartments: 1,397
% of renters here: 20%
State: 45%

Mar. 2012 cost of living index in zip code 94022: 137.3 (high, U.S. average is 100)

Land area: 17.5 sq. mi.
Water area: 0.0 sq. mi.
Population density: 1,078 people per square mile (low).

Real estate property taxes paid for housing units in 2011:
This zip code: 1.0% ($10,001)
California: 0.8% ($2,907)

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2011: $10,001 (1.0%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2011: $4,513 (0.5%)

Zip code 94022 compared to state average:
Median household income significantly above state average.
Median house value significantly above state average.
Unemployed percentage below state average.
Black race population percentage significantly below state average.
Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average.
Median age significantly above state average.
Renting percentage below state average.
Number of rooms per house above state average.
Number of college students below state average.
Percentage of population with a bachelor’s degree or higher significantly above state average.

Notable locations in this zip code not listed on our city pages:
Notable locations in zip code 94022: Santa Clara County Fire Department El Monte Fire Station, Santa Clara County Fire Department Los Altos Station, Los Angeles History House Museum, Los Altos City Hall, Los Altos Branch Santa Clara County Free Library, Hillview Senior Citizen Center, Mount Helen Childrens Home.

Shopping Center: Village Court Shopping Center.

Churches in zip code 94022 include: Los Altos Lutheran Church, Temple Beth Am.

Creeks: West Fork Adobe Creek, Purisima Creek, Arastradero Creek.

Parks in zip code 94022 include: Shoup Park, Lincoln Park, Hillview Park, Foothills Open Space Preserve, Los Trancas Open Space Preserve, Monte Bello Open Space Preserve, Redwood Grove Nature Preserve.


Estimate of home value of owner-occupied houses/condos in 2011 in zip code 94022:
$15,000 to $19,999: 5
$35,000 to $39,999: 51
$100,000 to $124,999: 13
$175,000 to $199,999: 26
$200,000 to $249,999: 37
$250,000 to $299,999: 22
$300,000 to $399,999: 11
$400,000 to $499,999: 32
$500,000 to $749,999: 288
$750,000 to $999,999: 343
$1,000,000 or more: 4,884

Rent paid by renters in 2011 in zip code 94022:
$200 to $249: 10
$300 to $349: 12
$350 to $399: 19
$400 to $449: 10
$750 to $799: 14
$1,000 to $1,249: 13
$1,250 to $1,499: 172
$1,500 to $1,999: 289
$2,000 or more: 776
No cash rent: 82

Estimated median house (or condo) value in 2011 for:
White Non-Hispanic householders: $1,000,001
Asian householders: $1,000,001

Household type by relationship:
Households: 18,695
In family households: 16,806 (3,693 male householders, 1,775 female householders)
5,063 spouses, 5,566 children (5,292 natural, 145 adopted, 130 stepchildren), 80 grandchildren, 85 brothers or sisters, 164 parents, 258 other relatives, 122 non-relatives
In nonfamily households: 1,889 (729 male householders (619 living alone)), 912 female householders (864 living alone)), 248 nonrelatives
In group quarters: 155 (233 institutionalized population)
Size of family households: 2,567 2-persons, 913 3-persons, 1,405 4-persons, 455 5-persons, 113 6-persons, 15 7-or-more-persons

Size of nonfamily households: 1,483 1-person, 130 2-persons, 11 3-persons, 17 5-persons

4,249 married couples with children.
238 single-parent households (87 men, 151 women).

70.9% of residents of 94022 zip code speak English at home.
4.2% of residents speak Spanish at home (62% very well, 23% well, 12% not well, 3% not at all).
8.6% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (81% very well, 15% well, 3% not well, 1% not at all).
14.5% of residents speak Asian or Pacific Island language at home (69% very well, 21% well, 9% not well, 1% not at all).
1.7% of residents speak other language at home (94% very well, 3% well, 3% not well).

Races in zip code 94022:
White population: 12,691
Black population: 92
American Indian population: 5
Asian population: 4,353
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population: 37
Some other race population: 45
Two or more races population: 667
Hispanic or Latino population: 610

94022, Los Altos, CA

1 8 2 3 4 6 7

Home: 771 University Ave
List Price: $5 Million
Listed With: Alain Pinel Realtors