Jordan Park San Francisco CA 94118 – 12/15

Jordan Park San Francisco CA 94118 – 12/15

Jordan Park San Francisco CA 94118 – 12/15

Estimated zip code population in 2015: 41,391
Zip code population in 2010: 38,319
Zip code population in 2000: 38,939


Average Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) in 2012: $183,317 (Individual Income Tax Returns)
Here: $183,317
State: $72,726

Jordan Park and Laurel Heights make up a primarily residential district nestled between five other neighborhoods in the central-northern section of San Francisco.

Residents of this neighborhood keep a clean-cut reputation, keeping their homes and streets aesthetically pleasing with rows of manicured lawns and plush tree-lined sidewalks. This upmarket neighborhood consists of single-family homes and multi-unit properties with a handful of large-scale apartment buildings, all of which are home to a diverse community of residents. The architectural styles vary as well, including Edwardians, Victorians, and Mid-Century homes.