94103, Mission

94103, Mission

Zip Code: 94103

Area Name: Mission

Sales Price / Median Price: $1,276,100

Average Household Income: $90,489

Unique About / Landmark in the area:

Dolores Park

Mission Dolores Park is the largest park in the neighborhood, and one of the most popular parks in the city. Dolores Park is near Mission Dolores. Across from Dolores Park is Mission High School, built in 1927 in the Mediterranean Revival style.

Throughout the Mission walls and fences are decorated with murals initiated by the Chicano Art Mural Movement of the 1970s[29] and inspired by the traditional Mexican paintings made famous by Diego Rivera. Some of the more significant mural installations are located on Balmy Alley and Clarion Alley. Many of these murals have been painted or supported by the Precita Eyes muralist organization.