San Francisco, CA 94112; 旧金山地产

San Francisco, CA 94112; 旧金山地产

San Francisco, CA 94112; 旧金山地产

Estimated zip code population in 2015: 84,145
Zip code population in 2010: 79,407
Zip code population in 2000: 73,104
Nearest zip codes: 94127, 94131, 94134, 94014, 94114, 94110.

Notable locations in zip code 94112:

Balboa Park Bay Area Rapid Transit Station,

Ocean View Branch Library,

Excelsior Branch Library,

Hebrew Home for the Aged,

South Gymnasium, Smith Hall, North Gymnasium, Louise And Claude Rosenberg Junior Library, Diego Rivera Theatre, Conlan Hall , Cloud Hall, Batmale Hall, Ingleside Police Station,

San Francisco Fire Department Station 43,

San Francisco Fire Department Station 33 (O), San Francisco Fire Department Station 15.

Churches in zip code 94112 includ e:

Bethel Lutheran Church,

Community Assembly of God Church, Ingleside Presbyterian Church, Saint Emydius Roman Catholic Church, Church of the Epiphany, Saint John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church , Broad Street Baptist Church, Cosmopolitan Baptist Church , Ocean Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Parks in zip code 94112 includ e:

Balboa Park,

Ocean View Park,

Saint Marys Playground ,

Cayuga Playground,

Chalmers Playground,

Ocean View Recreation Center,

Crocker Amazon Playground,

Excelsior Playground

Tourist attractions (not listed on the city page) : (Cultural Attractions- Events- & Facilities; 220 Dublin Street), Above All Limousines (Tours & Charters; 1195 Geneva Avenue).