

Moxie 是 KOHLER(科勒)推出的一款音乐花洒,将音箱和花洒完美结合,如果你喜欢在淋浴的时候大开现场演唱会的话,那么 Moxie 一定会是你的最爱。

Moxie 由花洒和磁性无线防水音箱两部分组合而成,音箱靠磁性吸力固定,取出或放入都非常轻松而且牢固。

Moxie 的花洒上每一个出水孔的出水角度都经过了精心的设计,可以带来全方位的理想淋浴体验。花洒使用镀铬处理,耐腐蚀防刮擦,恒久如新。喷头由硅树脂材料制成,水垢清理十分简便,只需用抹布轻轻一抹即可。

Moxie 的音箱通过蓝牙连接移动设备,无论是播放音乐、新闻或是音频,音乐魔雨花洒都可以提供高品质的音效。音箱内置锂电池,续航时间达7小时,可通过 USB 接口进行充电,LED 音箱开关可提供配对状态及弱电警告。

K-9245-CP Finish: Polished Chrome Features: -Single-function showerhead.-Sprayface features 60 angled nozzles.-2.5 gpm spray.-Silicone sprayface makes it easy to wipe away mineral buildup.-Sync your device enabled with Bluetooth technology with the wireless speaker from up to 32 feet away.-Speaker plays wirelessly in or out of the shower, use it in the kitchen or take it to the beach.-Docking securely into place, the magnetic speaker pops in and out of the showerhead for easy recharging.-Built-in lithium-ion battery provides 7 hours of uninterrupted play.-1/2″-14 NPT connection. includ es: -USB cable is includ ed (39”). Dimensions: -Overall dimensions: 5” W x 4-3/16” D.