

淋浴是一段非常惬意的时光,或许在这种时候,一款可以播放 iPad 音乐的浴帘应运而生。这种很有意思的浴帘叫 iPad Musical Shower Curtain(iPad 音乐浴帘),非常简单易懂。据介绍,这种浴帘内置扬声器,并配有一个挡住水滴和湿气的塑料袋。使用者洗澡时,只需要将 iPad 放入袋中,然后连接音频线,再将塑料袋密封好。这样一来,就可以在淋浴的过程中享受音乐了。

另外,那个袋子不仅防水,还支持使用者隔着它操作触屏。当然了,除了 iPad 以外,它同样支持 iPhone、iPod 及其他拥有 3.5mm 耳机插口的设备。

The iPad Musical Shower Curtain.

Was $49.95 NOW $29.95

This is the shower curtain with built-in speakers and a waterproof pocket for an iPad, turning a simple shower into a media-rich bathing event. The pocket zips closed from the outside, ensuring it stays safe from moisture, and its integral audio cable connects an iPad, iPhone, Android phone, or MP3 player to two speakers in the upper left and right corners of the curtain. The shower-facing side of the pocket is made of a touch-enabled material for full capability to stop and start media, navigate multiple screens or even take a call. Requires three AA batteries. 72″ H x 72″ W. (4 lbs.)