IDEO; 湾区高科技公司; 57/100

IDEO; 湾区高科技公司; 57/100

IDEO,是一家总部在美国加州帕罗奥多(Palo Alto)的知名设计公司,在旧金山、芝加哥、波士顿、伦敦和慕尼黑都有分公司,近年也在上海设立了办事处,规模成长迅猛。该公司声称自己的理念是专注于帮助顾客创新。目前业务包括有产品设计、设计顾问服务、环境规划与数位经验的理解。

IDEO成立于1991年,是由三家小型的设计公司合并的,分别是大卫凯利设计室(由一位史丹佛大学教授,大卫·凯利所创立)、以及ID TWO设计公司(由比尔·莫格里吉成立)、和Matrix Product 设计公司(由麦克·纳托尔Mike Nuttal成立)。目前IDEO的执行长是提姆·布朗、归属于Steelcase企业的子公司(Steelcase是世界最大的家具制造商)。而创立之初的三位创办人如今依然对IDEO有影响力。

该设计公司目前有350位设计师专注于不同领域,如人机界面、机构开发、电子、软件设计、工业设计和界面设计。是世界上最活跃的大型设计公司之一,在许多设计领域有其影响力。客户群分布在电脑业、医疗用品业、玩具业、办公室家具业和汽车业等。其最著名的设计作品是苹果电脑和微软的第一个鼠标、和PDA的经典机种Palm V,以及Steelcase品牌下的Leap Chair。2004年其主要客户是Procter & Gamble, 百事可乐、微软、Eli Lilly和Steelcase。



IDEO (pronounced “EYE-dee-oh”) is an international design and consulting firm founded in Palo Alto, California, in 1991. The company has locations in Cambridge (Massachusetts), Chicago, London, Munich, New York City, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Shanghai and Tokyo. The company uses the design thinking methodology to design products, services, environments, and digital experiences. Additionally, the company has become increasingly involved in management consulting and organizational design.

The firm employs over 600 people in a number of disciplines including: Behavioral Science, Branding, Business Design, Communication Design, Design Research, Digital Design, Education, Electrical Engineering, Environments Design, Food Science, Healthcare Services, Industrial Design, Interaction Design, Mechanical Engineering, Organizational Design, and Software Engineering.

IDEO has worked on projects in the consumer food and beverage, retail, computer, medical, educational, furniture, toy, office, and automotive industries. Some examples includ e Apple’s first mouse, the Palm V PDA, and Steelcase’s Leap chair. Clients includ e Air New Zealand, Coca-Cola, ConAgra Foods, Eli Lilly, Ford, Medtronic, Sealy, and Steelcase among many others.


IDEO was formed in 1991 by a merger of David Kelley Design (founded by Stanford University professor David Kelley), London-based Moggridge Associates and San Francisco’s ID Two (both founded by British-born Bill Moggridge), and Matrix Product Design (founded by Mike Nuttall).[8] Office-furniture maker Steelcase owned a majority stake in the firm,[6] but began divesting its shares through a five-year management buy-back program in 2007.[9] The founders of the predecessor companies are still involved in the firm. The current CEO is Tim Brown. Brown is the author of Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation (2009) in which he argues that design can transform problems into opportunities – emphasizing design thinking as a human-centered activity, he specifically prizes the feeling of empathy, where designers are capable of understanding the perspectives and problems the end users face.

Bill Moggridge died on September 8, 2012. While the company started with a focus on designing consumer products (e.g., toothbrush, personal assistant, computers), by 2001, IDEO began to increase focus on consumer experiences (e.g., non-traditional classrooms). Kelley applied the term “design thinking” to business in order to encompass the approach to work of IDEO across industries and challenges.

In 2011, IDEO incubated — a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to applying human-centered design to alleviate poverty.