30家提供RPA机器人流程自动化服务的公司–Visual Cron(30/30)

30家提供RPA机器人流程自动化服务的公司–Visual Cron(30/30)


Before the definition of RPA became commonly used VisualCron automated desktops through the Desktop Macro Task. From version 8.2.0 the Web Macro Recorder Task was implemented and gave support for automating browsers as well. Together, these Tasks form the “Foreground automation” Tasks (RPA in other words) while still offering powerful “Background automation” Tasks.

While the idea about RPA is great it is not always the fastest, complete or most powerful solution. Sometimes you need to combine foreground automation with background automation. For example, peforming some manual Tasks in an application might result in many files created that you may want to upload to a remote SFTP server. The number of files may vary. If this was only dependent on RPA technology it would be hard to make a repeatable process selecting the files created and do something about it. If you combined this with File Triggers (waiting for new files from an application) or by a file filter (only selecting new files). Not only does this combination handle all files but also you have complete control of which files were created and are able to reuse this data – for example sending you an email with all files created – something that would be very hard using only RPA technology.
