The Top 100 Most Expensive ZIP Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.42-92091, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

The Top 100 Most Expensive ZIP Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.42-92091, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

The Top 100 Most Expensive ZIP Codes in US by Forbes in 2013-Rank no.42-92091, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Rank no.42-92091, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Estimated zip code population in 2011: 1,040
Zip code population in 2010: 1,048
Zip code population in 2000: 1,061

Recent home sales, real estate maps, and home value estimator for zip code 92091

home sales
Houses and condos: 654
Renter-occupied apartments: 98
% of renters here: 19%
State: 45%

Mar. 2012 cost of living index in zip code 92091: 136.4 (high, U.S. average is 100)

Land area: 0.7 sq. mi.
Water area: 0.0 sq. mi.
Population density: 1,587 people per square mile


Real estate property taxes paid for housing units in 2011:
This zip code: 0.7% ($6,343)
California: 0.8% ($2,907)

Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2011: $7,093 (0.8%)
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2011: $4,370 (0.5%)

year built

Zip code 92091 compared to state average:
Median household income above state average.
Median house value above state average.
Black race population percentage significantly below state average.
Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average.
Median age significantly above state average.
Foreign-born population percentage below state average.
Renting percentage significantly below state average.
Length of stay since moving in below state average.
House age below state average.
Percentage of population with a bachelor’s degree or higher significantly above state average.
100% urban population.

Estimated median house/condo value in 2011: $915,100
92091: $915,100
California: $355,600
Estimated median household income in 2011:
This zip code: $96,932
California: $57,287

Housing units in zip code 92091 with a mortgage: 308 (37 home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 117

Median monthly owner costs for units with a mortgage: $4,001
Median monthly owner costs for units without a mortgage: $866

Residents with income below the poverty level in 2011:
This zip code: 5.6%
Whole state: 16.6%

Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2011:
This zip code: 5.6%
Whole state: 9.4%

Median number of rooms in houses and condos:
Here: 6.0
State: 6.0

Median number of rooms in apartments:
Here: 4.6
State: 4.0
Estimate of home value of owner-occupied houses/condos in 2011 in zip code 92091:
$90,000 to $99,999: 11
$150,000 to $174,999: 11
$400,000 to $499,999: 8
$500,000 to $749,999: 94
$750,000 to $999,999: 134
$1,000,000 or more: 167

Rent paid by renters in 2011 in zip code 92091:
$1,000 to $1,249: 9
$1,250 to $1,499: 11
$2,000 or more: 71
No cash rent: 7
Median gross rent in 2011: $2,001.
Estimated median house (or condo) value in 2011 for:
White Non-Hispanic householders: $932,717
Black or African American householders: $700,689
Asian householders: $550,541
Hispanic or Latino householders: $1,056,639

Estimated median house or condo value in 2011: $915,100
92091: $915,100
California: $355,600
Lower value quartile – upper value quartile: $702,800 – $1,000,001
Mean price in 2011:
Detached houses: $529,606
Here: $529,606
State: $485,464

Townhouses or other attached units: $379,166
Here: $379,166
State: $404,738

In 2-unit structures: $327,533
Here: $327,533
State: $578,444

In 3-to-4-unit structures: $302,968
Here: $302,968
State: $388,415

In 5-or-more-unit structures: $317,357
Here: $317,357
State: $345,733

Mobile homes: $88,699
Here: $88,699
State: $90,543

Occupied boats, RVs, vans, etc.: $23,928
Here: $23,928
State: $151,896

Races in zip code 92091:
White population: 944
Black population: 5
American Indian population: 2
Asian population: 37
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population: 0
Some other race population: 1
Two or more races population: 19
Hispanic or Latino population: 40

92091, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

92091, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
6590 Calle Reina

List Price: $16.5 Million
Listed With: Prudential California Realty
Median Home Price for Zip Code: $2,810,000

The Ranch’s second most expensive zip touts a four-acre, “museum-quality property” surrounded by orange groves.

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