Smart Home (38/61)

Smart Home (38/61)

Netatmo Weather Station

Well-being in your home – view information vital to your comfort right on your smartphone: temperature, humidity, noise pollution and CO2 level

Plan your outdoor activities – temperature, air pressure, humidity, level of outdoor pollution, detailed seven-day weather forecast; never be caught out by the weather ever again

Healthier home, healthier life – with the Netatmo Weather Station you receive real time alerts directly on your smartphone when it is time to air out your home

The Netatmo Weather Station can communicate with other smart devices – build your own scenarios such as “switch off the automatic watering system if it rains”

Discover your environment, maximize your well-being

The unique, made for iPhone and Android personal Weather Station, with air quality measurements, to monitor and track both your indoor and outdoor environments.

Control your home environment, make it healthier

We spend 80% of our time indoors, and yet indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air.

The Netatmo Weather Station measures indoor pollution levels through a CO2 sensor, sending you alerts so you can air out your home when necessary and live in a healthier environment.

The Weather Station’s Indoor Module also measures indoor temperature, humidity, or sound level and provides vital information to help you improve your life quality at home.

Plan your outdoor activities, take care of your garden

Don’t be taken by surprise again! You have all the information you need to plan your outdoor activities based on the weather.

Receive an alert on your smartphone when it rains in your garden. And water your plants when they need it.

The Netatmo Weather Station’s Outdoor Module gives you precise readings of the outdoor temperature, relative humidity, air quality and barometric pressure on your doorstep.

Just ask for your ultra-local weather measurements!

Netatmo Weather Station is now compatible with Amazon Alexa.

Just say “Alexa, ask Netatmo what’s the temperature outside” to decide if you should bike or drive to work. Or say “Alexa, ask Netatmo how much it has been raining today” to know if you need to water your garden.