25 Projects Transforming Mission Bay and Dogpatch

25 Projects Transforming Mission Bay and Dogpatch

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At the moment, construction workers appear to outnumber actual residents in Mission Bay and Dogpatch, where sparkling new residential towers, office space, medical buildings, parks and entertainment venues are taking shape. Once considered undesirable and far-flung, the neighborhoods are now connected to the rest of the city via light rail, and are increasingly drawing well-heeled new residents. Here now, a map that brings together 25 projects that will radically transform Mission Bay and Dogpatch in the coming years. Most projects are under construction, while others are still waiting to break ground. Know of any that don’t appear on today’s feature but deserve a spot on our list? Let us know in the comments or drop us a line. Without further ado, a map of 25 projects set to transform Mission Bay and Dogpatch.

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