Discover Nao – 2/4

Discover Nao – 2/4

Let your imagination run wild!


Discover algorithmic, boolean logics basics
or and object programming Encourage creativity by designing human-like animations Understand control laws by analyzing sensors and joint data Develop projects around NAO’s interaction with its environment


Experience enhanced object and speech recognition capabilities Explore advanced human-robot interaction Create complex behaviors by mixing vision, motion and audio Develop projects such as writing or playing manual games


Research on human robot interaction / perception and cognition Research on navigation, localization or locomotion Create advanced modules by using APIs Explore new avenues in other cognitive sciences

Program your NAO according to your needs


Program impressive behaviors with a simple drag and drop of boxes or complex coding.

An advanced software package that makes it intuitive to program NAO using a drag and drop interface, which simplifies the programming for new and advanced users alike.


Testing your design in a 3D workspace .

The perfect software to accompany your class or research: interfaced with Choregraphe, it is a safe place to test programs on NAO in a simulated environment before applying them in the real world.


Experiment new ways to teach with NAO

A comprehensive textbook, made of modules and exercises, recognized as top introduction to robotics. A practical tool for different levels: from secondary school to higher education. A large range of topics as computer science, mathematics, mechanics, matrix, transformation, video, and more!


Develop incredible behaviors by embedding your modules.

A user-friendly and well documented SDK which allows you to embed the modules you developed  into your robot to give him more capabilities and intelligence. Our SDK is compatible with many robotics development platforms and languages (C++, Python,Java, MatLab,…)


Access high precision data from NAO’s sensors and actuators

A desktop application allowing measurements and graphical data from NAO’s sensors and joints. You can better analyze how NAO responds to different movements.