The Unicorn; Wish; 独角兽企业; 45/174

The Unicorn; Wish; 独角兽企业; 45/174

45.Wish (dba ContextLogic)

Company Information

Valuation $3 billion
Sector Retail
Headquarters San Francisco, Calif.
Founded 2011
CEO Peter Szulczewski

Peter Szulczewski


Peter Szulczewski founded ContextLogic in 2010. The company is based in San Francisco. He had attended the University of Waterloo with co-founder Danny Zhang. Szulczewski has worked with Google, Microsoft, ATI, and Nvidia. Wish, a shopping app, is a sub-division of ContextLogic.

The startup of ContextLogic originated with a focus on recommendation technology, the application of deep learning to place information like tweets, social media, and news articles in front of the people who will read and digest them. Wish, a division of the company, started selling goods in 2013 and in 2015 added more shopping apps like Geek and Mama that focus on specific and unique. In 2016, China’s company, invested 50 million dollars into Wish. As of 2016, Wish has about 100 million users and works with over 100,000 merchants.