Unicorns 81/223; 独角兽企业

Unicorns 81/223; 独角兽企业





Acquisitions: 3 Acquisitions
Total Equity Funding: $182.05M in 5 Rounds from 12 Investors
Headquarters: San Francisco, California
Description: Cloudflare is a web performance and security company that provides online services to protect and accelerate websites online.
Founders: Michelle Zatlyn, Matthew Prince, Lee Holloway
Categories: Security, Web Hosting, Advertising, Analytics, Ad Server, Enterprise Software
Website: http://www.cloudflare.com


Company Details

Founded: July 1, 2009
Contact: info@cloudflare.com | 16502307173
Employees: 251 – 500 | 14 in Crunchbase

Cloudflare is a web performance and security company that provides online services to protect and accelerate websites online.

The company’s online platforms includ e Cloudflare CDN, which distributes content around the world to speed up websites; Cloudflare optimizer that enables web pages with ad servers and third-party widgets to download Snappy software on mobiles and computers; CloudFlare security, which protects websites from a range of online threats including spam, SQL injection, and DDOS; Cloudflare analytics that gives insight into website’s traffic including threats and search engine crawlers; Keyless SSL that allows organizations to keep secure sockets layer (SSL) keys private; and Cloudflare applications that help its users install web applications on their websites.

Cloudflare was incorporated in 2009 and is based in San Francisco, California.


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