Artificial Intelligence Conference San Francisco 19/114

Artificial Intelligence Conference San Francisco 19/114

Greg Diamos
Senior Researcher SVAIL, Baidu

Greg Diamos leads computer systems research at Baidu’s Silicon Valley AI Lab (SVAIL), where he helped develop the Deep Speech and Deep Voice systems. Before Baidu, Greg contributed to the design of compiler and microarchitecture technologies used in the Volta GPU at NVIDIA. Greg holds a PhD from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he led the development of the GPU-Ocelot dynamic compiler, which targeted CPUs and GPUs from the same program representation.



1:45pm–2:25pm Wednesday, September 20, 2017

HPC Opportunities in Deep Learning

Location: Imperial B


Greg Diamos (Baidu)

This talk will provide empirical evidence that accuracy scales with data and compute, transforming some difficult AI problems into problems of computational scale. It will cover challenges to further improving performance, and outline a plan of attack for tearing down the remaining obstacles standing in the way of strong scaling deep learning to the largest machines in the world.