


Sniply is a very interesting tool which lets you build custom calls to action (CTAs) and add them to content that you share. As long as the page you’re sharing supports iframes, you can create your custom CTA button and message and add it in over the page, which only the people who access your link will be able to see.

Add your call-to-action on any page

Sniply adds your custom call-to-action to any page on the web, allowing you to engage your followers through every link you share.

For example, you can attach a button to the page that links to your own website, so that people can discover you while they read.

Share links and drive conversions

Sniply generates unique links for you to share. Anyone clicking on your links will see the content along with your call-to-action inside.

For example, if you click on snip.ly/demo1, you’ll see our blue box and yellow button in the bottom left corner of the article.

Monitor engagements and track results

Sniply monitors how your audience is engaging with the links you share. Keep track of link clicks, conversion rates, and more.

For example, you can use this data to measure your effectiveness and return on investment for social media efforts.