10 Tips on Creating an Addictive ChatBot 1/2

10 Tips on Creating an Addictive ChatBot 1/2

Tip 1: Chatbot Only Use Cases

For thousands of years, we solved problems directly through conversation, Chatbots are a throwback to this simpler time.

Chatbots, in their current form, don’t provide as rich a GUI experience as apps. As a result, the value presented by a conversational interface needs to be utterly simple in order to be truly leveraged.

There are two main reasons why anyone would use a chatbot:

  1. Conversational: When an App can’t do it because multiple variable inputs are needed to solve the problem.
  2. Simplicity: When a bot offers the most immediate and direct solution to a person’s problem.

This should lead you towards ‘Chatbot Only Use cases’ which require multiple conversation inputs and can solve problems in a more direct way than apps or offer superior simplicity.

How to Properly Leverage Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence is still in it’s infancy and there is a long way it go.

When it comes to Machine Learning, it excels in areas where the epistemology of the field is clear and well defined. For example, Machine Learning can be used to a great effect in fields like Medicine, Hiring, and Law but will fail in areas where there are no definitive boundaries, eg: Negotiating, Creative Problem Solving, Communication, Management, etc…

Great Use Cases for Ai & Machine Learning:

  1. Ross Intelligence : ROSS is an A.I. lawyer that helps human lawyers research faster and focus on advising clients.
  2. Predicting Cancer: Computers trounce pathologists in predicting lung cancer type, severity.
  3. Gradberry: No more applying. Gradberry uses AI to e v a luate developers by checking their code and matches them with ideal company.

Tip 2: Seeing the Future… WeChat

For a number of months now, Facebook has been quite transparent and obvious in their goals for Messenger Chatbots. Ultimately, they hope that Messenger platform will resemble WeChat and Facebook has even urged developers to look at WeChat as the model.

So what does this mean? Well let’s take a quick look at some of the things you can do on WeChat:

  • On-Demand Service via Text: Via WeChat you can get just about everything on-demand with a simple text message. Need to get you place cleaned? Hire a plumber? etc… You can do it instantly via text.
  • No-Lines, No Waitresses, No Cashiers: WeChat has revolutionized the restaurant experience. You can now order and pay for you meal via WeChat. When you enter the restaurant, you simple pick up your meal and enjoy! (Currently, Allset is doing this, more below)
  • Virality: Grouping so many functions together in one app allows everyday things to go viral.

Tip 3: Testing your ideas with Chatfuel & Quickly Go Live on Multiple Platforms using GupShup

Chatfuel allows you to build bots in 10–15 minutes without coding! Once you have your bot up, you can quickly test your idea.

I strongly recommend using Chatfuel to:

  1. Test Your Concept: Is your bot solving a painful problem people care about?
  2. Usability Testing: How usable is your bot? Does the flow make sense? Where do users drop off?
  3. Advance your Copywriting: Can you get to the ‘Aha Moment’ right away and provide value as quickly as possible

Once you know what to build, I recommend using GupShup:

  1. Very Easy to Use and Minimal Programing: You can create and go live in a few short hours.
  2. Instantly Deploys to Multiple Platforms: FB Messenger, Twitter, Telegram, Slack, SMS, etc…
  3. NLP Provided: GupShup seamlessly connects to Wit.ai


The Goal of most consumer facing products is to solve a person’s needs over and over again. In order to do this effectively, you have to place your product in front of the person at the exact moment of need and solve the person’s problem. This can be very hard, however there is a solution.

We need to solve the need enough times, so as to become the automatic response when the need reappears. In this way, our products become the defacto solution, the automatic response to need. When done correctly our products become habit forming and we become owners of the most valuable asset class, “mind estate”.

TIP 4: Triggers

It’s important to note that people come from the inside out. They generally have a need (which was triggered internally or externally), look for ways to satisfy their needs and then the need subsides.

When we experience a trigger we do one of two things: look for a solution or ignore the pain. When a person is looking for a solution, our product needs to be easy to find and easy to use.

TIP 5: Action

Once your product has become a potential solution to a person’s problem getting a person to take action depends on two major factors: motivation and ability.

Activating a User:

  • Motivation: Focus on pain points that are really painful. The less painful the problem the harder it will be to activate users.
  • Ability: How easy is to to find and use the solution?

A habit is formed after a person has satisfied a need a number of times so that the behaviour has become automatic. You have to consider under what situations your product would be needed (the triggers) and how to become a solution in that moment. Once your the solution a few times, can you make this behaviour automatic?