11款最聪明的AI聊天机器人 与真人简直没法区分–Rose Chatbot(10/11)

11款最聪明的AI聊天机器人 与真人简直没法区分–Rose Chatbot(10/11)

在Loebner Prize竞赛中,Rose Chatbot以一名来自旧金山的31岁安全分析师、黑客为原型,自称是一个来自“非正统家庭”的“电脑迷”。这款聊天机器人是由布鲁斯·威尔考克斯(Bruce Wilcox)开发的,早期版本Rosette赢得2011年Loebner Prize,2014年版Rose Chatbot再次获奖。

A chatbot named Rose has beaten three rivals in an artificial intelligence competition.

Judges – including the BBC’s Rory Cellan-Jones – held conversations with the bots and humans and had to tell them apart.

Although Rose was judged to be the most convincing of the bots, the program did not fool the judges into thinking it was real.

So, the Loebner Prize in Artificial Intelligence’s $100,000 (£64,380) jackpot remains unclaimed for another year.

Bruce Wilcox, the creator of Rose, spoke to the BBC shortly after the contest and suggested some of the questions the judges posed were not totally fair.