


Singapore Airlines (SIA) launched a beta chatbot, as it expands digital servicing channels for customers.


The bot, named ‘Kris’, will initially be available on the SIA global Facebook page, and will later be made available on singaporeair. com.

乘客可访问新航脸书网页,通过Facebook Messenger向Kris查询航前信息,并获得相关协助。

Customers who visit the SIA Facebook page and reach out to the Airline via Facebook Messenger will be able to chat privately with Kris and receive assistance for pre-flight-related queries.


As a beta bot, Kris will be in constant learning mode and its capabilities will develop over time.


The bot is currently trained to address queries in English related to baggage, check-in, online booking, as well as travelling with infants and children.


Based on historical data, the beta bot has been trained to address the most frequent queries customers search for on or reach out to reservations offices for.


Using variations of actual questions received from customers, Kris’ responses have been fine-tuned through rounds of iterations using artificial intelligence, with the aim of training the bot to provide conversational replies that can meet the needs of customers promptly and efficiently.

新加坡航空公司客户服务及运营部高级副总裁陈名洪表示:“希望通过使用聊天机器人Kris, 在传统客服中心和电邮渠道以外,拓展出更丰富的服务平台。”

“With Kris we are taking feedback into account by expanding our servicing platforms beyond traditional contact centre and email channels,” said Marvin Tan, Senior Vice President Customer Services & Operations.
