

LarcAI为南非RPA软件公司,但似乎也是依赖UiPath、IBM Watson的软件提供服务。

We craft Intelligent Process Automation(IPA) robots by combining Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence powered cognitive servicessuch as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), computer vision, language(NLP), speech, predictive analytics, tacit object models (emulate the decision-making ability of a human expert), virtual assistants and many more to drive your competitive advantage.

We do this by using best of breed services and technologies such as IBM Watson, Microsoft Cognitive Services, ABBYY, Merlyn TOM as well as other localized libraries for computer Vision, biometrics, machine learning, classification, clustering and deep neural networks, utilizing parallel and GPU computing on the local installation.

We pull all of this together by the means of using UIPath, the award-winning RPA technology based on Microsoft Workflow Foundation. UIPath’s open architecture allows us to incorporate not only best of breed third party technologies but also to develop custom components for unique problems.

For customers who don’t want to invest in commercial RPA software solutions, we can also automate processes using Microsoft Workflow Foundation with our own Selenium and Appium activities based on W3C standards.

We believe that we have the ability to automate many of the processes that can’t be done with using standard RPA technology’ at very competitive prices.

LarcAI partners with UIPath, a Robotic Process and intelligent Automation software vendor. UIPath powers the intelligent process automation solutions offered by most technology savvy BPO providers and Shared Service Organizations. Their mission is to eradicate tedious, redundant tasks and let software robots do the grunt work. UIPath enables businesses and companies to develop an agile robotic workforce by providing a state-of-the-art platform for software robots orchestration.

partnership: *UIPath * IBM Watson * Alchemy API * Microsoft Cognitive Services * Meniga PFM