

An Israeli company founded just last year but with offices in one of the world’s most expensive real estate markets, New York, Skyline AI just raised a $3 million Seed round in March from top VC firm Sequoia Capital. The startup claims its platform can tell real estate investors what properties offer the best return by ingesting tons of data from more than 130 sources, taking into account over 10,000 different attributes on every property, going back as much as 50 years on every multi-family property in the United States. This is what the Skyline platform says it can do:

Credit: Skyline

The four founders have a track record of starting and selling AI companies, so we wouldn’t be surprised if the endgame is another big-time exit, maybe to a real estate player like Zillow, which itself uses machine learning to put a price tag on more than 110 million homes in the United States with a reputed accuracy of 5 percent. Zillow recently announced it would get into the business of buying and flipping houses.

Update 8/1/18: Skyline AI recently took in $18 million from a Series A funding round led by Sequoia Capital which the startup will use to further build out their data science team and pay for that posh sales office they opened in New Yawwk.

房地产投资初创公司Skyline AI以300万美元的种子资金走出了隐身模式,并宣布,该公司已筹集了1800万美元A轮融资。该轮融资由回归投资者红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)和TLV Partners领投,由房地产投资管理公司JLL旗下的JLL Spark跟投。Skyline AI的平台使用数据科学和机器学习算法来帮助机构投资者做出更好的房产决策,这笔战略资金将允许其在平台上添加更多的资产类别。

Skyline AI表示,其技术受到了业内最全面的数据集的培训,拥有100多个来源,其中包含了过去50年的市场信息。其技术旨在提供比传统方法更快和更准确的分析,能够让投资者更快地对房地产市场的变化作出反应。

联合创始人兼首席执行官GuyZipori在一封电子邮件中告诉TechCrunch,由于投资者的积极反应,该初创公司在离开Sleath后不久就决定提高其A轮融资的金额,并补充说这一轮已被超额认购。他说:“这一轮谈判的时机也与我们目前的交易流程和扩张计划完美地结合在一起。它的意义十分重大,帮助我们取得了发展过程中的有利地位。”Skyline AI自从走出隐身模式以来已经忙碌了几个月了。今年6月,它与美国一位匿名合伙人,以2600万美元的价格在费城收购了两片住宅区。Zipori说,在发现这些房产管理不善后,他们决定主动出价。然后在7月,Skyline AI宣布与房地产贷款、投资和咨询公司Greystone建立合作伙伴关系,以合作改善交易和贷款承销流程。
