美国Charter schools (高中分类 1/4)

美国Charter schools (高中分类 1/4)

Charter school 在美国是州政府在公共教育体系之外特许

GG 14(1)

Charter school 可译成“特许学校”。

charter school is a school which receives public funding 
but operates independently. Charter schools are an example 
of alternative education.

In California, local school districts are the most frequent 
granters of school charters. If a local school district denies
 a charter application, or if the proposed charter school 
provides services not provided by the local school districts, 
a county board consisting of superintendents from state 
schools or the state board of education can grant a charter. 
The Arizona State Board for Charter Schools grants charters 
in Arizona. Local school districts and the state board of 
education can also grant charters. In contrast, the creation 
of charter schools in Michigan (known there as "Public 
School Academies") can be authorized only by local school 
boards or by the governing school boards of state colleges 
and universities.

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