智能家居产品:Hatch Baby尿布更换台(80/150)

智能家居产品:Hatch Baby尿布更换台(80/150)



而Hatch Baby想让尿布台发挥出更多的作用。除了能让家长更舒服地换尿布,Hatch Baby推出的这款智能尿布更换台还能通过app记录婴儿成长数据(营养是否足够,指标是否健康等等)。

按照Hatch Baby的说法,这款智能尿布更换台在家就能测量健康数据,能让奶爸奶妈们免去一趟趟跑医院给婴儿体检的困扰。但相比传统的尿布更换台,所谓的智能其实是更换台内置的压力传感器,可以测量新生儿的体重,根据体重数据再换算为成长速度等指标。

Withings和Hatch Baby一样,推出了智能尿布更换台产品,售价179.95美元,也有一款附带的app。两者的差别在于Withings的更换台面积更大,更适合那些顽皮的孩子(或者巨婴……)。但可以想到的是,那些新生儿的父母就不会购买这样大尺寸的更换台了。

融资方面,Hatch Baby刚拿到了700万美元的A轮融资。本轮由True Ventures领投,其余资方还包括Geoff Ralston,James Hong,,H. Barton Co-Invest Fund,,和Veddis Ventures。Hatch Baby联合创始人Weiss表示,本轮融资将用于产品改进和用户服务方面,在发售其他产品前,Hatch Baby希望培养一批忠诚用户。

团队方面,Weiss是一位连续创业者,曾创办过一家叫做Maya’s mom的家长社交网站,该公司在2007年被BabyCenter收购。而Hatch Baby本轮的投资方True Ventures也对Weiss的前一个项目进行过注资。

Meet the Smart Changing Pad, the modern nursery innovation that is changing the way you watch your baby grow. Combining a traditional diaper changing pad with a built-in, wireless smart scale, the Smart Changing Pad allows you to easily track infant health metrics, providing reassurance to new parents from home. Syncing automatically to the 5-star rated companion Hatch Baby App (easily record nursing sessions, sleep, pumping amounts, and more of what parents care about), the Smart Changing Pad provides you with a simple and modern solution for caring for your bundle of joy.

The Smart Changing Pad helps parents to measure and track:
– Infant weight and real-time growth data
– Feeding amounts for breastfed babies
– Diaper changes to be certain your baby is eating enough